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Let go of the past.

Focus on the future. 

Keep moving forward and be the best that you can be.


About On Life's Journey

Hello! Welcome to OnLifeJourney!  I’m thrilled you’re here!

My name is Debra and I created  this site to provide a touch of inspiration to keep myself and others motivated as we go through the ups and downs of life. Life is worth living - live the best life you can!  Start today - discover the secrets to happiness and success!

 Whether it’s exploring unique opportunities, learning additional skills, or meeting new people, we need to appreciate these experiences presented to us, own them  and make the most of them.

Please take a moment to explore my site. Join the community, share your thoughts in the Forum and Blog.​

Glad you're here - again Welcome!

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peaceful nature video
On Life's Journey - Reflecting on Living
Sometimes we need inspiration to keep going.

​Find your passion and see some humor in what you do - this is really important when things don't go your way and you just can't seem to get it right! I've been there...

Take the time to enjoy simple pleasures and set goals. Be kind, help someone and in doing so find yourself. It may surprise you but helping someone who needs it results in you helping yourself as it creates an awareness of the principles that are part of who and what you are.

​Have you ever thought of giving back or paying it forward? Was there a time when someone helped you and did not request anything in return? I am sure if we take the time to reflect, we will find at least one case, so let's not forget, help someone today and pay it forward. It will come back to you with interest someday when you need it most!

​Let's try to make the world we live in a better place. Let's try to find peace and enjoy the simplicity that surrounds us. A walk on the beach, through the park, that quality time with family or a loved one... These are irreplaceable and once lost cannot be replaced, we can't roll back time!

​Find your passion, take time to relax and enjoy life - leave no room for regrets when it's tomorrow.

“Sing like no one’s listening, love like you’ve never been hurt, dance like nobody’s watching, and live like it’s heaven on earth.”


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