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Beauty of Spring

Everything is made new in the spring. Springs themselves are always so new, too. No spring is ever just like any other spring. It always has something of its own to be its peculiar sweetness.
― L.M. Montgomery

The beauty of spring makes my heart sing.
― Millie Florence

After the cold and gloom of many, many winter days and nights, I welcome spring!

For me Spring is always an inspiration and a reminder that we all go through ups and downs in life and that good things do happen!

May the quotes on this page inspire you to make the most of the Spring.

Find some time to enjoy the outdoors and the bounty that Spring brings with it.

🌷Much love. 🌷

When you smell a spring flower, it's as if the soul of that flower settles inside you! And then you become that flower for a short time!
― Mehmet Murat ildan

Gardens in Spring
with flowers abound
their scent interwoven
in the wind
― Meeta Ahluwalia

Despite the heart numbing frost, my soul is blooming like spring.
― Debasish Mridha

Trees still grow after letting dead things go.
― Darnell Lamont Walker

Such a marvel, the tenacity of the buds to surge with life every spring, to greet the lengthening days and warming weather with exuberance, no matter what hardships were brought by winter.
― Suzanne Simard

A tree never complains about the winter because she is busy getting ready to bloom during the spring and summer.
― Debasish Mridha

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