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Choices, Chances, Changes

In life we all have to make choices. In making these choices there is a certain amount of risk. Without that risk we would not move forward. Life as we know it would not change.

These are the 3 C's in Life... Choices, Chances and Changes.

Just think... if you decide that you need a career change or need to earn more, you will most likely make the decision to further your education. There is no guarantee that once you receive that certification you sought you will earn more.

However, this is the chance that you have to take if you want to change your current circumstances.

Change teaches us to adapt and build resilience but only if we understand our own capacity for growth and learning. We need to understand how to turn challenging situations into opportunities for growth and to take appropriate action.

Life never stands still. Like the earth, it is in constant motion and we as part of the universe and children of the earth will grow. As we grow, our thoughts, ideas, goals and needs change.

Choose wisely, the chances that you take in life should be well thought out and not wildly gambled like on the spin of a dice. The changes that occur as a direct result are yours to live with and to further change as you decide. Such is life...

You must make a choice
to take a chance
or your life
will never change.
Zig Ziglar

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