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Give a Fish...Teach to Fish...

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. - Maimonides

If I have a one time need and immediate fulfillment is required, then I would choose to receive help on that one-time basis. Knowing that this need is not going to reoccur can be a good argument for not learning that skill.

However, if every time I need something done, I must reach out to someone, it may be worth learning to do so myself. This can save me not only time and money but also stress in being able to complete that task when needed.

As in life, if you frequently reach out to someone to lend a hand or to fix something for you it may be worth asking that question, can you show me how? I would like to learn so I can do it myself.

Of course, there are certain skills that require extensive or specialized knowledge and these you can leave to the experts but the simple tasks you can learn to do so yourself.

Not only would you attain personal satisfaction but now you are able to teach someone else to fish!

…So, make a choice…. Get a Fish or Learn to Fish….

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