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Moments to Celebrate

It’s another day and I’m alive and so are you. Isn’t that wonderful?
― Wayne Gerard Trotman

Amidst the ongoing uncertainty we live with day to day, there are moments to stop and celebrate. These are the moments we need to appreciate and to be thankful for. 🌷

Sharing the "Celebrate Life and Living" quotes below with you to remind you that no matter how small, how mundane, the life moment is that you experience satisfaction from, it is all worth celebrating! Go ahead - you have earned it and you are alive to celebrate!

Whichever season you’re in, rejoice and celebrate your life as you might not experience it twice.
― Joan Ambu
Once you start celebrating the little victories in life, you will realize just how infinite they truly are.
― Alicia Emamdee
Each day offers a reason to celebrate. Find it and experience true bliss.
― Amy Leigh Mercree
Never hanker for others to make your life beautiful, orchestrate your life and celebrate in your own aliveness. That's HEAVEN, that's Godliness!
― Ramana Pemmaraju
Life is made of all precious moments, all we have to do is celebrate these everyday!
― Purvi Raniga
Celebrate your life, you are your own light.
― Lailah Gifty Akita
We might not be the ones to change the world. We might not belong to the few that “put a ding in the universe.” We might not be something the whole world would celebrate. But...In the little corners that we live; in the lives that we’ve played a part in, we should be nothing but unforgettable.
― Nesta Jojoe Erskine

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