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Stay the Course...

We set goals and in doing so set specific targets to achieve. ....Life happens and often things we did not plan for take precedence. At times like these, it is easy to be distracted or to give up.

Oft times we may decide to pause that goal that we want to achieve or even give it up. It may be that at the time, this was the best course of action and of course, in life it happens...

Don’t give up on your goals, periodically take time to check in. Set short term goals that fit into your long term plan. This will help you determine how far you have traveled towards your final destination and before you know it you will be closer to attaining what you initially believed was unattainable.



Check in Periodically

Celebrate small successes

Check these off your list

Add steps that set you closer to the finish line

It’s your life

Live the best life ever.

Stay the course!

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