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Connect with the Earth

Updated: May 25, 2020

Do you enjoy the feel of grass between your toes? What about the squishy feel of sand as you walk barefoot along a sandy beach? How do you feel after?

For me the feeling is unbelievable! I can feel the stress and tension of a busy lifestyle melt away until it is just me and nature.

Benefits of connecting to the earth...

1. You connect to the earth, which gives positive health benefits. Walking barefoot allows you to connect to the earth’s natural energy.

2. Walking barefoot can relieve stress. When you do this early in the morning or in the evening, you get fresh air, a peaceful atmosphere, and a healthy dose of vitamin D, courtesy of the sun. All these help you in numerous ways. Breathing in fresh air enables your body to work better, while the calm atmosphere relieves you from stress.

3. Walking without footwear can stimulate your body. The foot is connected to every part of your body, such as your lungs, stomach, kidneys, and your spleen among several others. our feet come with reflexology points that relate to the vital organs in the body. You can stimulate those points to relieve yourself from ailments and keep your body healthy.

4. Barefoot to improve your eye health. The foot is connected to every part of the body and these include your eyes. When you walk, you will notice you give emphasis on your first, second, and third toes. These are the reflexology points for your eyes, particularly the second and third toes.

Studies such as the one by published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health, recommends walking barefoot or earthing for health benefits, such as improved glucose control, heart rate regulation, and stronger immune system.

Make time, connect with the earth, harvest positive health benefits!

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