Never be defined by your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.

Truer words I have yet to hear. We all make mistakes and should be given the opportunity to change, to grow and to redeem ourselves.
When you deny others and yourself the privilege to change and move in a different or new direction, you’re denying a sense of what makes us who and what we are as humans.
It is relatively easy to attach labels to people and things, however, are we being judgmental? Too many times I have found that I am too hasty in arriving at a solution. Sometimes the facts just seem to line up and based on past experiences and learning I use these to make a decision - I have been proven wrong many a time...
I have learnt with time, through trial and error to keep an open mind. If I think well about someone else, I am actually trusting them to show the best versions of themselves and allowing them to move forward positively. 🕊️
Labels can also create self-fulfilling prophecies. If you are told you are sick, you feel and act sick, and others treat you as if you are sick. ― Allen Frances

Labels limit our curiosity and prevents us from exploring valuable connections with others. Labels can be beneficial though as they can help us compartmentalize situations and behavior. Knowing this; do not limit yourself and do not judge without having all the facts!
Labeling automatically leads to false conclusions and wrong assumptions about others. ― Alan G. Fields

And some more quotes to keep you focused and open minded…
When you compare yourself with others, you start labeling yourself and others as well. Avoid this practice if you want to have high self-esteem. ― Dr Prem Jagyasi

A label locks me into a definition that people use to control me. A vision graces me with an idea that serves to release me. ― Craig D. Lounsbrough

Children are gifts. They are not ours for the breaking. They are ours for the making. ― Dan Pearce

As human beings, we are far too broad to be boxed into labels. You cannot lead a label. You can only lead a whole person. ― Salil Jha

Labels are for filing. Labels are for clothing. Labels are not for people. ― Martina Navratilova

Do not bend yourself to make others feel taller. When someone comes at you telling you what you are and slapping a label on you, simply ask them why. Why would you say that? Make THEM think. ― Rose McGowan

Additional Reading...Read the article about Labelling on by Bryan Kramer, CEO at PureMatter, a 2x bestselling author, and a keynote & TED Talk speaker.