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Upgrade, Build or Learn a New Skill with Coursera

Updated: May 4, 2020

Coursera collaborates with more than 190 leading universities and organisations to offer premium online education.

If you are seeking to upgrade your skills, learn something new or simply refresh existing skills, then you may wish to look at achieving your goals with Coursera. I have completed a number of courses and attained certificates. Best of all Coursera offers scholarships, so if you feel that you qualify for financial aid, create an account. Next select your program/courses and head on over to the Financial Aid Section to apply

To receive Coursera Financial Aid or a Scholarship, you'll need to:

  • Fill out an application that includes information about your educational background, career goals, and financial circumstances

Information required is relatively simple and the learning is top-notch!

Go for it - learn something new today. On the go learning - any time!

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