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When Life gives you lemons....

We set goals, we plan and frequently check our goals to ensure we are on track. What we sometimes miss are those life events that we cannot control. Things that are not planned. Such as… can someone plan job loss and layoffs? For me, not at all. I love my job and I love helping people, so it is a good fit for me. At the end of the day I get personal satisfaction in knowing I have helped to make someone’s day a little or a lot better!

Covid-19 has brought with it a new normal. People working remotely and thousands of layoffs. With more time on our hands, let’s look at the ‘lemonade’ that we can make.

Do some soul searching and take some time to write out the ideas that come to you. Is there something that you wanted to do and never found the time to do it? Is there a new skill – does not matter how big or small – that you wanted to grow?

Find that something and start making some lemonade. You will be surprised at how fulfilling it is.

Life is a series of changes, how we meet these and work with them depends on how we grow. Go for it! At the end of the day, something good will come out of it.

So add that sugar to your lemons and make that lemonade!

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