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Adult Learning Evaluation


Artifact 1 -  Training Evaluation Feedback Form (Smile Sheet).


Competencies Linked to:

  • Kirkpatrick Level 1: Reaction

  • ADDIE: Evaluation Phase



Feedback is important as it enables effective evaluation. We need to know if we are meeting the needs of our learners and  if they find the training favorable, engaging and relevant to their jobs.


Artifact 2 - Evaluation Report On Culinary Herb Container Gardening Course


Competencies Linked to:

  • Kirkpatrick: Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4

  • ADDIE: Evaluation Phase (Formative Evaluation)



Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Training Evaluation was used to objectively analyze the impact of training, to work out how well participants learned, and to improve their learning in the future.  I was able to determine the Return on Investment (ROI) and  Return on Expectations  (ROE) on the training course.


View Work Samples below!

Hands in the Soil
Evaluating Learning: Project
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