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The Secret to My Success

I believe that passion is really important and makes it easier for me to work towards a goal. However, when things get tough, it is difficult to rely only on that passion. At that specific point in time, it is necessary to find what is really important to me; that is what I see as the end result and what I wish to achieve. Adding goals to my passion allow me to be able to measure how successful I am and also identify the stage I am at in achieving my goal. I try to set both short- and long-term goals as this allows me to measure success and stay focused.


I find that having a mentor or a role model can also help. Being able to discuss, share ideas and sometimes even receiving constructive feedback allows me to evaluate myself and keep on working towards a set goal.


Continuous improvement on daily tasks and pride in getting a job done well are also key to being successful. Setting these standards help me improve the quality of my work.


Last but not least, believe in myself and practice, practice. There is much truth in the saying "practice makes perfect..." What is difficult today with practice will be easier in the future

The Secret to My Success: About Me
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