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Highlights of Instructing Adults Training: Welcome

My Journey through The Instructing Adults Certificate

My portfolio showcases a handful of my most recent projects and assignments. Take a look to get a sense of my skills, experience and approach. To learn more about a specific project, feel free to contact me.


When I started on this journey, I was not sure what to expect but on the course, I gained new insights, skills, experiences and knowledge. 


Below I have listed the various courses and included a brief reflection of each.


In the first course Adult Learning Fundamentals,  I used the ATD Competency Model to identify the competencies I needed to develop to succeed.  I created a Personal Learning Plan  and used this to keep me on Track throughout My Journey.


I have included samples of my work in the various courses and show how these apply to the competencies of  The ADDIE Model and the Kirkpatrick Evaluation Model.


The ATD Competency Model defines the skills and knowledge required for talent development professionals to be successful now and in the future. It captures changes driven by digital, mobile, and social technology; demographic shifts; globalization; and economic forces.


The ADDIE  Model consists of five phases—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. These represent a dynamic, flexible guideline for building effective training and performance support tools.


The Kirkpatrick Four-Level Training Evaluation Model is designed to objectively measure the effectiveness of training. 

The four levels are Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results.

Image by Brooke Cagle
Image by Domenico Loia
Public Speaker

 That's where I started my Journey - with The Fundamentals of Adult Learning. In this course we covered Learning Styles, Barriers to Learning and  examined principles and conditions that facilitate learning. I developed a Learning Plan that would see me through my journey to success! 

I learned about instructional design methodology and how to use it to build learning outcomes and objectives. In this course, I developed the first e-Learning prototype using Articulate Storyline. We covered a number of cool tools such as Canva, Audacity and Prezi

I learned about instruction principles and strategies, including presentation skills, questioning techniques and audiovisual presentation skills. This was a fun course and it really helped me to develop my presentation skills as well as learn new techniques. The feedback received was constructive and helped me to improve as well as boost my confidence as an effective facilitator.

Group Meeting
Teenage Students Raising Hands
Woman on Computer

  I learned about  the tools and techniques used to measure performance proficiencies and deficiencies. These included conducting surveys and focus groups. I could clearly see the importance of needs assessment in preparing to design and implement learning. My course work included developing a Learning Needs Questionnaire and compiling a report.

I learned how to ensure instruction is achieving its objectives, and practice the four levels of evaluation: reaction, learning, behaviour and results. I became familiar with The Kirkpatrick Model as well as other evaluation models, tools and  techniques. Most of all I realized that I was becoming a more critical thinker.

The final phase of my Journey in attaining the Instructing Adult Certificate. I was able to start putting all the pieces together to develop a Learning Portfolio. 

 I had the opportunity to meet some great people, share ideas and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities provided to learn and to grow in knowledge and confidence.

Highlights of Instructing Adults Training: Projects
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